
1st July 2020


Major improvements to the UI on mobile. Including:

  • Lading page

  • List of events

  • Event page

  • Community page

A lot more can and will be done across these and other pages but the experience on mobile should now be vastly improved.

28th June 2020

🎉 Major feature - TIL

TIL stands for Today I Learned... it's a place to share knowledge, tips and tricks with other members in your community. Snippets are up to 700 characters.

TIL posts are written in Markdown with full syntax-highlighting.

🎉 Major feature - Discussions

TIL stands for Today I Learned... it's a place to share knowledge, tips and tricks with other members in your community. Snippets are up to 700 characters.

Discussions are written in Markdown with full syntax-highlighting, they also have their own dedicated page for commenting.

12th June 2020


🎉 - When creating talks as an organise you can now select a member of your community as the talk owner.

11th June 2020


🎉 - Talk Videos are now shown on the community page.

10th June 2020


🚀 - Event calendar feature has been released for everybody 🚀 - Call for paper functionality has been released for everybody

Bug fixes

🐛 - Fix issue where updating an existing event wouldn't set the remote URL.

9th June 2020

Work in progress

👨‍💻 - Started work on billing

8th June 2020


🎉 - Email notifications are now sent when comments are posted on talk submissions


🛠 - Notifications are have a "read" status that is triggered when the notification popup is opened.

7th June 2020

BETA feature - Call for papers

TechTalks now supports call-for-papers functionality.

This feature is availible in BETA to anybody who is a member of the TechTalks community.

The initial version supports: 🤫 Private submission fields 💬 Chat between organisers <> speaker ➡️ Progress through steps (draft, submitted, accepted, rejected & revoked)

Soon the following will also be supported:

🕵️‍♀️ Anonymous submissions 📩 Invite a specific talk from a speaker 📅 Tools to help you find a date that works for you ❓ Custom questions for communities


🛠 Changed automagical event slides to support upcomign events

5th June 2020


BETA feature - Calendar Subscriptions

You can now subscribe to events with iCal.

This feature is availible in BETA to anybody who is a member of the TechTalks community.

4th June 2020

Work in progress

👨‍💻 - Started work on call-for-papers functionality. ETA ~ 1 week.

Bug fixes

🐛 - Fix issue where a community slug had a case-sensitive uniqueness validation on it. 🐛 - Fixed an issue where the events calendar may highlight the day before in some browsers.

3rd June 2020


🛠 - Various UI consistency improvements 🛠 - When new views are added to the site they are merged into the queue to be tweeted out.

2nd June 2020


🛠 - Titles on events now link through to the event page 🛠 - A more convenient "Add a talk" button has been added tot he organiser tools dropdown on events.

1st June 2020


🎉 - Talks can now be edited Talk owners: Can edit any talk, changes will be reflected on any events they are used on. Community organisers: Can edit any 'guest talks' that they have created themselves.


🛠 - Improved test coverage + weeded out a couple of very minor bugs.

31st May 2020


🎉 - Community sponsors now support links and blurbs


🛠 - Tweets of content videos now use the Twitter handle of the community.

30th May 2020


🎉 - When adding talks for events that occurred in the past you can now provide a video URL at the same time.

28th May 2020


🎉 Major feature

Added event announcement emails.

🎉 - Talk Videos now show featured upcoming events.

28th May 2020


🎉 Major feature

Added BETA of 🧙‍♀️automagically 🧙‍♂️ generated event slides. As an organiser you can find this under the organiser tools on your event.

🎉 - When creating talks for a "guest" you can now supply an avatar yourself.


🛠 - Communities now show organisers by order they were added.

Bug fixes

🐛 - Fix issue where the previous events tab on communities would give an error if no events existed.

27th May 2020


🎉 - TalkVideos will now be automagically shared to our Twitter account

Bug fixes

🐛 - Fix issue where a user accounts wouldn't create via Google or GitHub if the user had no surname set.

26th May 2020


🎉 Major feature

Talk Videos are now tweeted out automatically by TechTalks.

25th May 2020


🛠 - Communities with active events are now shown at the top of the list

23rd May 2020


🎉 - Added "Your communities" into the header for organisers to improve navigation 🎉 - You can now join or leave a community directly from the community page. Previously you would only join a community by RSVPing to an event.


🛠 - Combined organiser actions into a dropdown on the community page 🛠 - Fixed issue where talk videos were not showing controls 🛠 - Minor UI consistency fixes

22nd May 2020


🎉 Major feature

Implemented reminder emails that are triggered 4 hours before the event.

🎉 - Add slides tab onto profile pages


🛠 - Change gravatar avatars to use HTTPS 🛠 - Copy tweaks that refer to a page that hasn't yet been built 🛠 - Improve stying of form fields 🛠 - Add edit profile page on own profile 🛠 - Disable bell badge showing "0" when there are no notifications 🛠 - Remove RSVP button for events that have ended 🛠 - Add create an event button on the community page for organisers

Bug fixes

🐛 - Fix issue where YouTube channels wouldn't save to social links on profiles 🐛 - Fix issue where social links on the profiles wouldn't link 🐛 - Fix issue with login link on the mobile navigation

21st May 2020


🛠 - Improve timezone support


🔒 - Fix minor issues raised by bundle-audit

20th May 2020


🎉 - Community organisers can now invite co-organisers


🛠 - Added product hunt badge in footer 🛠 - Improve validation when adding slideshows 🛠 - Improve validation when registering for a user account

Bug fixes

🐛 - Fix issue where a profile couldn't be viewed for users with a . in it. 🐛 - Fix issue where a community couldn't be viewed for users with a . in it.

19th May 2020


🛠 - Add better validation messages when creating a community 🛠 - Some UI consistency fixes 🛠 - Users without an avatar now use initials

18th May 2020


🎉 - Add ability to edit community profile


🛠 - Avatars now link to profiles 🛠 - Mobile UI improvements 🛠 - Increase avatar resolution for high DPI screens

Bug fixes

🐛 - Fix countdown timer showing NaN in some browsers 🐛 - Various other minor bug fixes 🐛 - Various other minor bug fixes

17th May 2020


🎉 - Launched

Last updated